quarta-feira, janeiro 21, 2009

My announcement

Fellow ones, starting with a title which could be also a Scrubs episode title, I shall make you the presentation of my new official life register making, in a near you URL. This is not a goodbye; it is only a new idea of my own which I was having from far times until now. This is an impulse for those who aspire for new goals, for new entertainment, for new little starts or new wannabes with real will. I am still here and I always will be. This was the spot where my ideas were exposed and my thoughts and my feelings and my stupidity. This is forever, emerging now in parallel a new forever where you all make also part of. I always wished a great blog with great friends and great fun, always growing, always renewing and always simmering of new ideas where we could laugh without stopping with caring about nothing as mostly a blog which could unite us in many different ways. I do not feel these aspirations were all achieved. It was nice and a lot of great moments urged in words which I hope it continues, also with my contribution, but I was longing for more.

I invite you all to visit http://myownlittletunesworld.blogspot.com

I am not mad or sad, or feeling nostalgic because what happened in this web space is going to continue and I am still kind of the Big Boss around here :)



sexta-feira, janeiro 09, 2009

Noites de estudo no ist

Membros do gelatina numa noite de trabalho no ist

New technologies

Just testing

My new drug

Kids I'm going to tell you the story of how I became absolutely dependent of a TV show. You already know the part where my humour is always evolving and in a constant seek for absolutely geniality even touching what is not slightly polite and sometimes possibly offensive but never disregarding my attempts of a true intelligent humour. In truth, my attempt to be awesome! It is not easy to assume my obvious new influence with constant shouted new laughs, exalting the newest most pure and innocent heard joke or the common references to all the new and old episodes trying to bring the major stupid idea to the actual real life, sometimes even singing special Christmas carols out of season because it was the last episode I saw, or even seeing my life through all the characters eyes relying on the slightest opportunity to enounce that exact catchy phrase or that exact thought, reminding all that brand episode where something just in a little way is similar to what happened just now. It is not easy because dependence is brother with pleasure. As laugh is being my addiction, I found my new dealer, with my new drug. No name shall be pronounced and only the wiser and fortunate ones having contact with the pearls of humour are going to drink from this message, despite the outstanding brand mark clues spread along these words. It's kind of a Bro Code. Or attorney-client privilege, I can't talk about it (not Shark)!

My penance started really slowly, with innocence, just zapping on television. I thought: 'I'm just trying to relax and watch some TV'. My first contact was made just like that, never assembling the conversations of some of my friends talking about an hilarious TV show, which name I shall not pronounce (this is also a brand mark quote, but not one of the ones). But after all, it was it. I was never expecting a Portuguese translation to 'Foi assim que aconteceu' was it. But it was… But before the revelation I kept my occasional zapping routine just watching small parts of episodes, when I found them! Never knowing the broadcast day and hours to see full episodes and never having the chance to be a regular spectator. Pity me because everyone can find a TV channel schedule in Internet. But I was just not aware of the true source of knowledge inherent to that series which name I only knew in Portuguese that time, and only watched to small episode fractions, until the match occurred. Same equal characters name, characters described the same, some flashes of what I saw being the same, some of the rare humour pearls I managed to see being the same... and that's how I met the series original name. From that moment on I got high... obviously first started the seek to the original DVD series of all existing seasons ( ;) ) and episodes, and the yes I got high!

For those who are still not convinced after these 40 lines I just can make them to notice that for me, it is considered absolute dependence when among all the dreams in life, among all the feelings needed, among all that it common-sense to be necessary, among everything that in a rational thought makes sense to be a dream, I aspire to shout in the air the-absolutely-newest-something-and-obviously-necessary-thing-because-of-that-extremely-not-rare-event-that-just-happened-five. And then feel...

feel in that precise time...

that that precise moment in my life...

and in the lives of all people involved...

that precise moment...

has become legen... dary!!

quinta-feira, janeiro 08, 2009

Viva o Microsoft Word

Caros amigos, simplesmente não liguem a este post…

Mas informo que não é só para somar posts, fiquem descansados…

terça-feira, janeiro 06, 2009

Feliz 2009

E eis que após proclamado momento de euforia do próprio pelo primeiro comentário de 2009, salta à primeira vista o primeiro post de 2009... por quem?....Vou deixar-vos a pensar... E tratando-se das primeiras palavras para 2009 obviamente não poderiam ser diferentes de 'Bom Ano' ou 'Feliz 2009' como ressalva o título. Que as passagens de ano tenham sido deliciosas, bem aproveitadas e espremidas de total prazer até ao seu último segundo. E este ano parece que tinhamos mais um segundo gentilmente cedido pelas organizações festivas de passagens de ano. Eu confesso que me vi num impasse sobre a situação a festejar... Eu no fundo não sabia concretamente em que segundo festejar dado que o meu relógio não possuia o segundo 61 e festejar ao segundo 1 de 1 de Janeiro de 2009 não seria apropriado. Se calhar alguém deveria ter inventado um relógio para a ocasião...algo possivelmente descartável...que no exacto dia 31 de Dezembro extende-se o próprio por mais 1 segundo do que todos os outros anos que nós já passámos. E no fundo, que importância tem esse segundo? Será uma tentativa do próprio planeta salvar-se e resguardar-se da imensa crise económica tão proclamada que acontece e que piorará em 2009...ou uma tentativa de evitar as confrontações no Médio Oriente...em último caso espero que não fosse para promover durante mais tempo a actual presidência americana (pelo desculpa pelo comentário pessoal...) ... julgo que talvez um dos principais motivos do famigerado segundo foi para promover mais tempo de liderança ao Benfica neste campeonato. Enfim qualquer que seja o motivo ainda que cientificamente de fácil explicação achei gostoso alguma sensação de demagogia, ainda que fraca. Esperemos que este ano não se baseie nisso por princípio apesar da minha referência.
De qualquer modo, voltando às ocasiões festivas dei por mim a celebrar o evento supracitado perto de uma pacata localidade que é Sabóia. Terra possivelmente perdida adentro de terras alentejanas, sitada mais concretamente numa latitude próxima da Zambujeira do Mar no concelho de Odemira. Um serão bem passado de comes e bebes, alho frânces à brás, caldo verde, bacalhau com natas, sagres mini, quintas de cabriz e diversos outros tipos de alcool, chouriças assadas na lareira disponível de aquecer o ambiente, filhós, arroz doce polvilhado a canela com votos de bom 2009, e mais...música diversa refinadamente seleccionada, conversas amenas, por vezes com toques de algum inglês, playing a little bit of guitar hero III, danças extravagantes e algumas menos 'sui géneris'...tudo até à exaustão para ir dormir confortável. Não houve grandes tropelias ou avarias, mas houve bons momentos, novas pessoas, pessoal porreiro, alcool, ... Temática do convite oficial, 'Rambóia em Sabóia'...e assim se fez...

Happy New Year

Ah, os votos mais completos... que seja o ano com que todos sonharam... exijam sempre mais ... inovem qualquer coisa em vocês! Life is so...simple!

Have a great year